NAI signs long term Lease for Royal Poinciana Playhouse and Celebrity Waterfront Dining Room in Palm Beach !

Royal Poinciana Playhouse and Celebrity Waterfront Dining on Palm Beach Island begins Capital Campaign for restoration1

Royal Poinciana Playhouse and Celebrity Waterfront Dining on Palm Beach Island


CONTACT:        Marty Rogol

561.655.1333 office       561.818.2256 mobile


Palm Beach                  The National Arts Institute (NAI) signed a long term lease with Sterling Palm Beach, LLC for the Royal Poinciana Playhouse and Celebrity Room.  The Hibel Building, adjacent to the Playhouse, will house administrative and fundraising offices.

“We are pleased to announce having signed a Lease for the Royal Poinciana Playhouse with Sterling Palm Beach, LLC.  The Lease includes the Celebrity Room, it’s “Club,” to offer waterfront dining for Founders and Patrons.  We are especially thankful for the $1,000,000 pledge from Sterling Palm Beach!” exclaimed NAI Executive Director, Pamela Stark Thomas.

“Since the Playhouse has been dark for many years,” Karen Poindexter, Producing Artistic Director stated, “I particularly look forward to bringing back the excitement of live theater to Palm Beach.”

Sterling was equally pleased with the lease signing.  According to Adam Munder, Partner, Sterling Palm Beach, LLC, “We look forward to having NAI as an anchor tenant at the Plaza and we wish them the best of luck.”

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National Arts Institute

The National Arts Institute is a charitable organization dedicated to the performing arts for theater, film and television, preserving and nurturing the Theater art form for world class productions, developing new musicals and plays, training young and emerging artists, and ensuring that theater is accessible to all audiences.  NAI’s mission is to provide performing arts and arts education to create a full-circle entity from arts education to career employment.

 Sterling Palm Beach, LLC     Sterling Palm Beach, LLC is an entity comprised of local residents that controls and manages the Royal Poinciana Plaza.  

Royal Poinciana Playhouse    The Royal Poinciana Playhouse, an 878-seat Theater and Celebrity Room, (often referred to as the Royal Poinciana Theater) is a Landmarked theater building opened in 1957and located directly on the Waterfront (Intracoastal Waterway) in Palm Beach, Florida.  It has not only hosted an impressive number of royalty and celebrities, but its stage has spotlighted a wide variety of touring theatre productions and celebrity stars throughout the years, [such as George Hamilton, Julie Harris, Christopher Plummer and Burt Reynolds, to name a few].

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